A. Standalone Sensors: As the name suggest these are standalone sensors, a combination of Occupancy (PIR, Ultrasonic, Microware Technologies). Each sensor is independent and it is a very economical solution.
B. Honeywell Wireless LMS: It consists of a distributed network of sensors, a combination of Occupancy (PIR), Ambient (Lux + Temperature + Humidity) Sensors from which data over the office space is collected by the controllers and wirelessly communicated till the gateway. This information is fed to an on the premise server machine which can be integrated with any BMS via BACnet over IP or Cloud. This information is used for both distributed and central decision-making, providing ease to the user and the facility owner/enterprise. This solution is designed to ease the process of lighting management and key analytics could help you improve the office, employee and space productivity while ensuring energy efficiency.
C. Honeywell Managed Lighting System (wired LMS): Lighting Control product range aims at Energy Saving and Intelligence in the Building lighting. The products & System are mainly suitable for Non- Residential Commercial spaces and targeted specifically towards achieving maximum energy savings on lighting energy consumption and intelligence in Building lighting. It can even achieve light dimming if put on dimmable ballasts of any type. mainly for daylight based lighting management and artificial dimming for Conference room Scene Management etc. The product proposition aims at Energy Saving on Lighting load based on occupancy and Daylight. It can be classified as Networked Lighting controls based on the Communication bus.